Retirement Talk

WHAT to do with the rest of your life?


Del Lowery
"Retirement Talk is an audio podcast (written script a click away) intended to help people who are retired, or considering retirement, to examine their own lives. We will consider an active retirement life in all its facets - not just financial. A retirement life-style that has been considered  carefully is our goal. We want to encourage thought and action." Del Lowery - Host

926 More Questions Than Answers

"Why" has to be among the first words we learn. Little children have a way of repeating it over and over until we just wind up saying, "It just is. I don't know why.” It is strange how this simple exchange seems to hold over the years.

925 Don't Waffle


Words have a way of sometimes getting us into trouble; take the word waffling. Now that word has a negative connotation. No question about it. However, it might indicate a pause in the mind to consider or think of alternatives.

924 Man Thinking


No wonder that retirement comes as such a shock to the system for many of us. We have never had to really engage our mind independently of family, school or job. It is no wonder that a person can be 60 years old, very well educated, skilled and competent and yet say, "I don't even know who I am. I don't know what I am." 

923 Poetry


Retirement gives us time to pause with poets both living and dead. We could do worse than spend some time in their world. Poetry has a way of staying with us. It becomes part of our blood. It is concise, meaningful, and nourishing.

922 Staying Healthy (Part 2)


There are many ways around the mountain. I guess it is up to each of us to find our own route. We know that without good health life itself disappears. That tells us how important it is when we consider what we are doing with our life on a daily basis. It is always best to put health in first position.

921 Staying Healthy


What is the key to keeping healthy in life? There are about as many theories as there are people. The older I get the less attention I pay to all of these "secrets to a long life". What I like are ideas that fit in with what I am already doing.

920 The Lost Art of Conversation



Conversation depends on sharing some experiences that two or more people can discuss. Retirement presents a different problem. We don't see the same people every day. We don't have common goals. We tend to become isolatos in our own houses.

919 Imagination & What To Do


Imagine retiring and moving to Mexico. Last year I met this guy in Vancouver who was off to join his retired friend in Puerto Vallarta. The friend was living out his retirement dream. He was running a school for dump children at the city dump in Puerto Vallarta.

918 Something New


Trying something new can be a real treat for retired people. It just takes getting up off of the couch and walking out the door. Sometimes that isn't as easy as it sounds but it can certainly add a new dimension to the retirement experience. It just takes that first step. 

917 The Hot Generation


We don't have to wait for the future to see the results. Yet, many people call it false and talk of it like it is a fantasy. Our grandchildren's generation is being referred to as the "hot generation". They will live in a different world.

916 Doing Nothing & Guilt


That is it with retirement isn't it? We don't know what we are supposed to be or do. We have no parents to tell us what to do or not do. We have no teachers to direct us. And we have no bosses or supervisors to dictate our efforts.

915 Looking for Something to Do


I assume we all agree that we should all pay our fair share of taxes. We owe it to our country; we owe it to our children and we owe it to our founding fathers who struggled to insure life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Road Trip USA Series Many retired folks dream of taking an extended road trip across America. Follow us as we plan our trips and actually ride the road. There are two trips taken and described:

A. Western, Southern and Southeastern Edge of America

B. American West

C. West Coast and East of the Sierra & Cascade Mountains

Related Resources:

"The Voice of SOAR" is a podcast for members of the Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees that is maintained by Charlie Averill. Charlie offers a strong political voice concerning retired folks and politics - insightful and passionate.


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