Retirement Talk

WHAT to do with the rest of your life?


Del Lowery
Retirement Talk is an audio podcast (written script a click away) intended to help people who are retired, or considering retirement, to examine their own lives. We will consider an active retirement life in all its facets - not just financial. A retirement lifestyle that has been considered  carefully is our goal. We want to encourage thought and action." Del Lowery - Host


Episode 553 Taxes and the Good Life

“I like paying taxes” I said to my son as we made a rather large purchase at Best Buy. He had offered to buy the product in his name as an out-of-stater and thus avoid the tax. I told him I got a lot for my tax dollar and wanted to support my government. I wanted to pay. A few personal experiences in life lead me to this way of thinking.

For example: An open trough ran just in front of the hotel I was staying in and it was one of the best hotels in town. The trough was  part of the city sewer system. You can imagine what one saw floating by. A little bridge spanned the open sewer at the main entrance. It took the edge off my entire visit. I was in Lamu; a coastal city in Kenya. I had been told it was a place off the beaten path and had some great snorkeling. When on a trip I always like to range out to some place I have never heard of before. Most any place will do. Just so it is “off the beaten path”. I had taken the train from Nairobi to Mombasa and then a short flight north to this city. But the open sewer system had thrown me; the stench in the air was hard to stomach. The room might have been okay and the mosquito net didn’t have a lot of  holes but the visit was not pleasant. It’s not good to have money in your pocket when you’re in an impoverished city. Money can’t buy everything.

It feels good to walk down a street that is clean, that is filled with people who are busy shopping, walking, sitting in coffee shops or lingering over a glass of wine. My mind drifts to the square in Salamanca, Spain. What a place! No cars, Moorish architecture, tables and chairs, music from buskers, young lovers were holding hands and leaning against each other laughing and trying to impress each other. There were older couples strolling slowly around the plaza. The men had on suit coats, hats and vests. The women wore long coats and colorful hats. They were in conversation with good friends who were dressed similarly. Then there were young children dressed in shorts, white shirts and ties chasing each other. The odors were of chocolate, steaks, coffee and fresh baked goods. Rich and poor enjoying this plaza.

Poverty isn’t good for anyone. When the least fortunate suffer we all suffer. No one wants to live in poverty. And who would want to live in a mansion that is surrounded by squalor? That’s why real estate agents always talk about location, location, location. What is outside the door is so very important in evaluating how nice your place is.
We bought a very small condo in Vancouver several years ago. And I mean, it. is very small. However, it is right downtown; an area called Yaletown. What’s outside the door makes our condo a great place to be. For the same money we could own a big house with acres of ground and a swimming pool in much of America. But it would not have the same amenities just outside the door.

My point is, “We should not be so quick to seek lower taxes”. As a matter of fact it would seem to me that we need to find a way to increase our taxes if that is what it takes to live well and eliminate the ills of poverty. Not that I want to increase taxes just for fun. We all  profit by making sure our neighbors do not live in poverty.

I know there is a moral reasoning that requires we help the less fortunate members of our community but I want to make this argument based on what the moneyed class of people gain by raising the income level of all.

Years ago I found myself enroute to Kathmandu.  I was flying out of Alaska and knew that I would be severely jet lagged by the time I arrived. I told my travel agent to book me a hotel somewhere along the way so that I could rest up. She booked me into The Oriental Hotel in Bangkok for five days. I had never heard of it but I couldn’t believe how luxurious it was. Movie stars and kings and queens sometimes stay at The Oriental. The swimming pools were clean and empty. The dining room was elegant; the food unbelievable, the serving dishes sterling silver. I remember very well the smoking dragon dish in which my ice cream was served. Dry ice lay hidden in a false bottom that kept it cold and mysterious. White coated wait staff stood at attention everywhere to cater to my every need or wish. It was too nice for me. I was very uncomfortable. A big wall ran all the way around the hotel and grounds.

I left the enclosed walls each day and was amazed at the city outside. Poverty was every where; narrow streets, noisy/busy alley-ways that were lined with cloth booths where merchants squatted on their haunches smoking something.  The wealthy might be served well inside the walls, but outside they were noticeable absent. I saw no other tourist lingering along these streets. It was crazy.

Election time in America always pushes my thinking towards existing economic inequities. Middle class America is said to be disappearing. Poverty in America is on the rise. Higher education is becoming so expensive that only the wealthy can afford it. Empty houses line many streets. All candidates talk of lowering taxes. Tax cuts are considered as American as apple-pie. I just don’t understand it.

What kind of world do people want to live in? Our economic system allows for super wealth to be held by a few and massive poverty to engulf the masses. Something is wrong. I don’t understand who really gains? I know some people want to keep accumulating wealth at the expense of everyone else. But I just can’t understand why. What are they thinking? Retirement and time to consider our entire life shines a bright light on what is to be valued in life.

This is Retirement Talk.

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Road Trip USA Series Many retired folks dream of taking an extended road trip across America. Follow us as we plan our trip, take the trip and actually ride the road for over ten weeks. It's a long series but then again, it was a long trip.


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