Episode 265: A Change of Direction? What to do when boredom attacks? Thoughts like these have surfaced in my mind just of late concerning these podcasts. I am now in my fifth year of writing and producing Retirement Talk. It has been a interesting and rewarding venture. I have learned so much about computers, audio production and website construction. I have also learned a great deal about my own thoughts concerning retirement. The podcast has been well received and it satisfied my need for feeling productive. That all comes into question today. This is Retirement Talk. I'm Del Lowery. Two weeks ago the wife of a good friend of mine died. She was 66: three years younger than myself. Cancer. Two months elapsed between diagnosis and death. Two months. Sort of puts an edge on things. Of course we all have similar stories. No matter the details we continue to soldier on with resolve to enjoy life as best we can. Day merges into day and we continue with breakfast, lunch and dinner. We continue the book we were reading and settle in for viewing a video or television program. When events like this happen close to me - and perhaps you - it gives us pause to think. Think about what we are doing with our lives. Is it fulfilling or not? Are we doing what we want with our time. Doubt starts circling in the mind and will not stand still. Possibilities of change are being considered. Now is the time to be creative. What new direction could be pursued that will reinvigorate or reignite? I'm sure we all face similar situations at one time or another. We all give this consideration. Here are my thought processes. I could spend some time redesigning or reaffirming my efforts in this arena. I like the topic for it is one that is meagerly treated. It is difficult finding information that is informative and helpful. It seems like there is a need. Now that I write that and see it in print I know that I need to continue the idea of thinking and writing about retirement; one way or another. I have over 260 podcasts - including this one - on this website. I'm thinking a book is in order. I would sure like to be able to walk into a book store and find something about retirement that deals with something other than money. That would be a good project for me. Finding time is one problem. I could rewrite the podcasts or just republish them as they are on this web site. Then I could spend time on creating a book out of my podcasts. I have actually tried this in the past and failed. I could not maintain interest in rereading former episodes and then juggling them into some sort of meaningful chapters or topics of interest. Perhaps I need help. I could find someone to help me. That makes sense. Then I need to block out time for the effort. l guess that might be easy by just substituting in the time I spent on writing and recording podcasts. I'm trying to think of where I might find an advisor or someone to help me stay on task. Questions need to be answered about approach and format. Do I just organize my podcasts into meaningful groups that can be loosely strung together or do I start writing all over again? I have friends I can ask for suggestions. That's what friends are for isn't it? We help each other. Perhaps a publisher is what I need? I have read that publishers are not needed like they use to be. One can publish the book electronically. And ebook would be good but I also think there is room for a paper edition as many retired people are still not hooked into the electronic mode. One of the problems with my podcast has been that it has been ahead of it's time. Most people over 55 do not and were not listening to podcast 5 years ago. Probably not many of them do so today. But the number is growing. The electronic media is sweeping up the older as well as the young today. Those folks that are looking to the Internet for retirement talk is increasing. But a hard copy of a book might be much more practical than a podcast. I'm ready to accept this as a new direction or new effort. I do want to maintain the podcasts and I can do that by starting at the beginning and republishing starting at number one. New people come to my website everyday. The topics are all new to them. I explained the thinking in the previous paragraph to a loyal listener who is a good friend and she was disappointed. She wanted fresh podcasts each week or at least every other week. "Nothing would prevent you from inserting new podcasts as the topic arises, she said. That way the podcast could remain an outlet for new thoughts about retirement. And that is where i"m at today. I'll try to create new podcasts every week or at least every other week. I relate all of this to my listener in hopes they may identify with the dilemma. it isn't easy for any of us. Perhaps this example self examination will lead to your own. This is Retirement Talk. If you have question, comments or suggestions contact del@retirementtalk.org