Retirement Talk

WHAT to do with the rest of your life?


Podcast 2022

812 Retirement & Freedom


We retired people really want the same thing we have always wanted. We want to affirm ourselves in our daily lives. We want to have a way of self-actualization. We want to matter. We want to be able to choose.

811 Technology & Retirement


This age of technology - it isn’t easy for some of us –. It requires that we learn something new constantly. That is, if we wish to keep up with the world around us.

810 Love Trips


Love trips. Yes, that’s right. Love trips. It refers to those trips like we retired folks take to see either our children, grandchildren, or our parents – people we love. If those trips involve airplanes it looks like they may soon end. Or at least they should.

809 No Worries


Maybe we just need to establish a few hours each day for no worries; sort of a no worry zone. Or perhaps it would be better yet to just establish an hour a day to worry and then have the rest of the day to enjoy life.

808 Getting Involved: Politics


“A sandwich board? You spent the weekend as a sandwich board?” My friend proclaimed his support for “Pro Choice” as a sandwich board.  Roy earned a BA from Harvard and a PHD from the University of Chicago. Now he’s a sandwich board.

807 My Funeral


Where do you start when planning your own funeral? Why should you start? Funerals are for the living and perhaps the entire process should be left to them. But it does seem like some of the deceased wishes might be included.

806 Retirement & Priorities


The importance of priorities hasn't changed much from when we were young children chasing after kitchen cupboards and electrical outlets. We just change direction a bit. It is the direction that must be kept in mind. We need to know what we really value.

805 Alarm Clocks & News


So here is my rant about alarms, alarm clocks, and the news. I don’t mean to pontificate – I just wanted to rant and think about these things. 

804 Weather & News


As a retired person I might fill much of my time with weather and news. But, I can’t imagine anything less enjoyable. I’ve always wanted to enjoy life as much as possible.

803 Family & Relocating


As we grow older all family ties seem to be ever more valuable. The desire for family ties grows stronger each day. There is something about blood. We want a chance to sit down with our own son and daughter, and share in their lives and the lives of the grandchildren.

802 Home Exchange


We heard about this place on the Internet where one could participate in a home exchange network.  You agree to trade the use of your residence for that of someone else’s. The trade is cash free. No charge to members.

801 Health, Tai Chi and the Lost Wallet


Several years have passed and regrets of losing my wallet are gone. But the memory of an elderly woman in black moving every so slowly along the water's edge remains as if etched in stone.

800 The Past


I pleaded the case for history. I argued that only by studying the successes and failures of the past can we hope to rise above the past and avoid the pitfalls that have entrapped our ancestors. I used the old map analogy.

799 The Con


Remember that movie in the 60s – “The Flim Flam Man”.What I recall is his basic philosophy that you can’t cheat an honest man. He always thought that the way you take advantage of someone is if they think they are getting a “good deal”. Like they think they are beating system also. That opens them up.

798 Aging Advantages


There seem to be so many advantages of aging that I don’t know where to start. But one that jumped out to me as most important was the ability to be a better judge of character.

797 Time Reminders


"It is pancreatic cancer" a doctor recently told a fellow watercolorist who is an email friend of my wife. "One year" followed the announcement of pancreatic cancer: one year. How would it feel to get that kind of prognosis? It can happen. It can happen tomorrow.

796 Road Trip Reflections


According to the cult of happiness the last phase to be practiced is reflection. We look back and consider what we have done or what has happened and hopefully enjoy the memories. We just completed a road trip and we have reached the stage of reflection.

795 On The Road


We decided to get an early start so that we might take advantage of the daylight hours. We do not like nor plan to be driving after dark. We want to see where we are going. We aimed for 8 am and were on the road by 8:15. The first problem occurred 5 minutes from home when I discovered I had forgotten my phone.

794 Road Trip Ideas


I am not trying to talk you into one way of road tripping or another.  I just want to stimulate thinking about various ways to go. 

793 Road Trip


When we drive out we always feel like we have seen Wallace, Idaho; Tonopah, Nevada; Arcadia, California; or wherever we might be. After all, that is why we are traveling.

792 Looking Ahead


We always need to have something out in front of us to pursue. I don't want to argue with that but I do want to pause for a few minutes and think about it. That is what this podcast is all about: pausing to consider what it is we are doing with our life.

791 Retirement Without Guilt


What would we do if we retired? Everyone told us we were too young to retire. We had to work – it was a given. But after doing the math we found we did not need to work at a job. Feeling guilty about retiring never entered the picture.

790 Second Opinion

Health decisions seem to mount as we move towards and into retirement. What to do? Where do we turn for advice? Most of the time, we can readily agree with our doctor. Other times, it just doesn’t feel right. We want a second opinion.

789 What Do You Do


I know some people who say they don’t know what they would do if they were retired. My experience tells me that you will, or can be, very busy. Busy, but busy doing exactly what you want to.

788 Retiring at the Same Time


I remember deciding to retire and told my wife that I would always drop her a card from exotic destinations all over the world. She didn’t see the humor. She knew that there might be a chance that I would do that very thing. The day I retired - she retired.

787 Relocating Alternative


My wife and I found that there is another choice; other than moving or staying. You can stay and move at the same time. No, it doesn’t seem to logically follow, but it is true. Here is what we did.

786 Relocating


One of the early decisions one can make when retiring is where to live. You are no longer bound by your job to live in one particular place. For the first time in your life you can really choose where to live.

785 What Now (2)


On the last podcast I set out Spinoza's thoughts concerning happiness as a possible rule to follow. Recall that Spinoza advised us to realize that happiness lies in the movement from a state of lesser perfection to yet that of a greater one.

784 What Now?


This is a revisited performance of the second episode ever aired on this podcast entitled "What Now". I have made some changes that might better clarify and illustrate the topic. "What Now" of course relates to retiring and what comes after that. Some of us have big dreams.

783 Home Free


This past week I came across an article about two folks - age 71 and 68 - who sold their house, sold their worldly possessions and bought a ticket to ride. They have decided to live house free during their retirement years.

782 When Should I Retire


When should I retire is a question we all consider if we are lucky. I wrote about this topic in the very first podcast of Retirement Talk. It seemed fitting. That was 15 years ago. I'm wondering If my thinking may have changed. I hope I've learned something during this period.

781 Enjoying Food


Of course we do eat to live but many of us find that living to eat certainly has attraction. We do this for no other reason than enjoyment. It is hard to find fault. We just have to remember to control the quantity.

780 Assist or Enable


We grandparents, we elders, pass on the responsibility of learning to another generation and hope for the best. We hope we have done our job in an effective fashion. One last challenge lies ahead. We have to let go.

779 Electric Cigarette


When I stepped into the world of retirement I never thought I was leaving the real world. Now it seems like I see something, read something or hear of something of which I know nothing every day. I’m completely in the dark today about crypto-currency. Also tick-tock, Instagram, snap-chat and all sorts of other stuff. 

778 The Pause


Sometimes we just get too busy doing things that we forget to think. Not that I am against doing things. I like to be busy. But not busy all the time and not busy without giving much thought as to why I am doing whatever I am doing.

777 Stepping Off as Others Step On


There is something about ritual ceremonies that glue us all together. I had thought it was just a couple of hours to sit through and then present them with a gift and that would be it. But that wasn't the case.

776 Irresponsibility


For some reason the whole idea of becoming irresponsible is so very attractive to me. Now I just have to think of something that might fill the bill.

775 Focus


How many times a day does one have to be informed of the stock market report or the weather forecast? Seems like once a day might be plenty. It is hard to stay focused on enjoying the birds in the sky or the smell of the flowers when one's attention is constantly being jerked about.

774 Energy?


Energy is a precious commodity. We want to put one step in front of the other. The tank will eventually run dry but if there is a way to get a refill or plug any leaks we want to take advantage.

773 Connections


Life continues to offer us new experiences. They come if we are willing to take a bit of a risk and accept them. It is much safer to just keep life on an even keel. New ventures require new efforts and thoughts. Reconnecting to old friends may be very well worth the effort.

772 Get Up & Get Out


I love our days in the city. You don't have to go far to feel like an explorer. There is more novelty and more surprises waiting just around the corner. It is this daily discovery that keeps me smiling.

771 What Money Can't Buy


It has been the basic premise of these podcasts that there is more to life than money. Thinking carefully about what we are doing with our limited time seems much more important.

770 Guest Adventure


Why,you might ask, am I going into such detail for you. It is our response to your recent podcast topic. In January you spoke of "Finding Meaning in Retirement". Here is the story of one podcast listener.

769 The Family Story


It is important to share information from one generation to the other. History gives stability and a sense of identity to children. This stability and sense of self control helps establish a positive psychological grounding that enables children to face realities of life.

768 Advanced Directive


Considering the end of one's life is not a pleasant subject. But considering the little known information that is in direct opposition to reality is even more unpleasant. This is one place where it might pay off to plan ahead and be very proactive.

767 Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda


I have always believed that I did take the road less traveled by - and that it did make all the difference. But maybe I have been deluding myself. And you?

766 Stuck


We know when we are spinning our wheels. We know when nothing is happening in our lives. We know we need a change. Perhaps the problem isn't our being stuck, The problem is getting unstuck. Deciding what to do? Which way to turn?

765 Family Day


Canada is on to something with making Family Day a national holiday. It seems so appropriate and filled with meaning. Hopefully it will prompt many phone calls, trips or letters.

764 Reading in Retirement


Retirement introduces a special element to our reading life. We can feast over the entire reading realm. There are no limitations; sort of like our earliest experiences. We can read for pleasure alone.

763 Regrets


Dealing with regrets is a topic that was suggested to me by a loyal listener. I thought I could deal with it but it is proving more difficult than I could imagine.
I like to look at the present and the future. Dreams seem to be about the only time mistakes of the past surface.

762 Limits


We got an email from a friend a few years ago when he was celebrating his 88th birthday in Sarasota, Florida. "Going to dinner with my granddaughter and her Dad. Got myself a massage and just got home from my playwriting class. Busy day for an 88 year old."

761 Meaning in Retirement (Part 2


We know having meaning in our lives is important but sometimes we have trouble finding it. Many times It may be more of a problem of recognizing it. We may already have found meaning in our life and just not recognize it as such.

760 Finding Meaning in Retiremenrt


Yes, we retire. The parents, teachers, bosses and our own children no longer control us and they no longer give meaning to our lives. We are on our own. Now we must give meaning to our own lives.







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